All artwork and text is copyrighted by Paul Lasaine, unless otherwise attributed to the respective copyright owner. It is illegal to publish, print or reproduce any such artwork or text without written permission by the artist or copyright owners.

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Friday, June 17, 2011

Toy Story 4?

So my wife and daughter were playing Nintendo Wii today, and they had an interesting idea for an upcoming Toy Story installment:

They suggested that they need to update the toys in Toy Story to include some of the new virtual the "Mii" characters you create on the Wii. Of course those characters would only appear on a TV screen, but they would be able to interact with Woody and the gang.

I took the concept a step further by suggesting it could be a hybrid of Toy Story and Tron, where some of the Toy Story gang end up having an adventure inside the game?

Come on guys...what do you think? Disney owns both properties. It's perfect!

Here's the pitch:
The film opens with Woody and Buzz playing a Wii (or similar) version of Star Command. They create their 'Mii" avatars, which (because this is Toy Story), come to life inside the game!

Cut to: INSIDE THE GAME. Woody and buzz discover that Emperor Zurg is about to hatch his latest diabolical plan: if your Mii die! Can this be true? Can Woody and Buzz somehow manage to get a message out to their their real world counterparts...before it's too late!?!?

Come on on guys, who's with me?

Oh, and just in case any of the good folks at Pixar are interested in this idea, it's for sale! Unless of course they're already doing it.


Rob Bredow said...

This, sir, is a good pitch. I'd see it.

Andrea Pucci said...

Great idea! The title could be AvaToy Story...

Paul Lasaine said...

Or AvaTron Story

Andrea Pucci said...

Yesss! That's it!

Anonymous said...

Have you seen this?

It's Buzz done in TRON style. It's pretty legit!

Paul Lasaine said...

Ha ha! Pretty cool! Great minds think alike. I wonder who did it...and what it was for.

Matt said...

So many people have failed to walk away from their intellectual properties or franchises when the time was appropriate, especially if it was their big break or flag ship creation. And every one I know has lived to regret it (perhaps not financially, but artistically).

If there is a 4th Toy Story feature, I’ll have really lost all faith in Pixar.
That’s not to say that I didn’t enjoy the first three films, but honestly, folks need to learn to put things to bed.

I could go on about the reasons for sequels becoming inbred & contrived, or complain about folks like George Lucas.
But I’ll spare your great blog that torment.

Cheers Paul, Love your work.
Stick to the art though. ;-P

Paul Lasaine said...

As far as I'm concerned, they should have stopped after the first one. Not that Toy Story Two and Three weren't good films. But they were the ones who actually ridiculed Disney (way back before they got in to bed with them) for being so creatively bankrupt, that all they could come up with was sequels and spin-off of their previous films.

In other words...I was joking. I hope to God that Tron Story doesn't actually end up in theaters. But I'm certainly happy to cash in if they're creatively bankrupt enough to think it's a good idea.

steve lasaine said...

Um, I liked the idea.....but then again, I enjoy the Toy Story concept overall.....

though I agree about the bankrupt nature of Hollywood in general. Taking movies made either overseas or in Ca and then rehashing them or putting the American spin on them -- blech!

BTW - like your last name and the artwork.

Christina Kolokathis said...

canvas artwork said...

brilliant read.

rabbit said...

do it!

Logan Pearsall said...

It would make a better SHORT than a full feature. Shorts , which they ARE in fact planning to produce.

The Toy Story characters aren't done yet, BY FAR... but as for more features?... I don't think anyone at Pixar would want to ruin the brilliant trilogy they've already created.

Logan Pearsall said...

It would make a better SHORT than a full feature. Shorts , which they ARE in fact planning to produce.

The Toy Story characters aren't done yet, BY FAR... but as for more features?... I don't think anyone at Pixar would want to ruin the brilliant trilogy they've already created.

ymartinez88 said...

Its an awesome idea, but I wouldn't have it made as a Toy Story 4. (Just because TS3 ended so well) If anything it should be an entire different story, with similar concepts. Just because, Andy is no longer in the picture, it would have a weird feeling to it, it wouldnt be Toy Story anymore.

It can be called Mii's space adventure!!!(if u use this title..that would be awesome!!)

-wry said...

absolutely brilliant, Mr. Lasaine!

-wry said...

Absolutely brilliant, Mr. Lasaine! you always have to wonder where ideas come from when you see a sequel and if it measures up to the previous enough to warrant making it. This would be a brilliant adaptation of the series and completely current with the future of "toys".

-Always a fan, Wry.

Mari - juegos de cocina said...

i love toy story!

Carrie said...

yes, do it

Lauryn Danae said...

Sounds like a great Animated short if the full length feature doesn't go over so well. I think it's a cute idea though!

Unknown said...

Great idea! Battery Led Picture Light

matt said...

Remember they've already done this a bit - the start of Toy Story 2 takes place inside a Buzz video game!

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