All artwork and text is copyrighted by Paul Lasaine, unless otherwise attributed to the respective copyright owner. It is illegal to publish, print or reproduce any such artwork or text without written permission by the artist or copyright owners.

Welcome to my blog(s)! I have two. This one is for sketches, tutorials, and other "bloggish" stuff.

Be sure to visit my PORTFOLIO PAGE, where you'll find my real work.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Rare Sketchbook Doodle

I don't tend to post sketchbook drawings...mostly because they're usually just shorthand notes for paintings, and not worth looking at. But this one I like. Durring my Dick Tracy days, I did a lot of these little city composition sketches. In fact, there was a while there, where I was doing them on an Etch A Sketch...just for fun. I actually got pretty good at it. Maybe I'll see if I can still do it, and post the results.



Unknown said...

I have enough trouble drawing without trying to do it on an etch-a-sketch!

Jason Scheier said...

awesome sketch, thanks for sharing paul.

Carlos Ranna said...

Huahuahauhau! I would love to see a etch a sketch drawing of yours someday! Nice cityscape!

Unknown said...

Etch A Sketch?? Jeez... love to see that!

enb said...

thats so awesome how you got that foreground element in there- for me its a surprisingly-challenging thing to do when youre working with a far out city scape shot like that. You did it rather easily with lighting. Well done. Thanks for posting!

Anonymous said...

Awesome to see you posting again! Always inspiring.

craig said...

fingers crossed for the etch-a-sketch!

Alessandra Sorrentino said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alessandra Sorrentino said...

Hey there Paul!
Great sketches in these latest posts, I loved the squared leaves one!
Now that you've mentioned the Etch-a-Sketch, I guess I have to tell you about another one of our silly web toys.. check out the website ;D
Hope all is well with you and your family in LA!
Stay well my friend!

Nash Chovek said...

Beautifull pencilwork. Reminds a little of the great works of Hugh Ferris, Metropolis of tommorow.You probably know of his work.

I like your work, anyway, I just saw it for the first time...

Unknown said...

Great one, and a good thing that you start showing your sketches, I'm sure they are really worth to see them. Show more, please.

Shuku said...

Paul, that's lovely. :) It's a great study in shapes and shading and I wish I could do it as effortlessly as you make it seem. I hope you had a lovely time in Italy!

Incidentally the Lord of the Rings Symphony happens in 2 weeks on the 19th to the 21st of December. We're -all- panicking - especially me. The administrative details have been making me lose my -mind-.


robi pena said...

Hey Paul!!

First of all I would like to excuse me, for my bad english :-)!
I want to say to you that you have a superbe blog and a few extraordinary works! I really love your style!!!
And I would like knowing how do you do the waves in surfing up? Fantastic!!
Are there courses, which you could advise me?

Cheers and congratulations for your awesome works!!

RAWLS said...

ahhh rare doodles. I love those!
Nice sketch my friend!

Lorenzo E Martinez said...

...this is the stuff I like to see...thinking sketches! MORE!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes! yes! keep posting! Your work has such talent in it, even if it is 'just a sketch'. Love the work

Pito said...

Good work.

J said...

I find it a little upsetting that you consider these "not worth looking at".
I personally think it's more interesting than the paintings.

I'd love to see some etch a sketch pictures, too.

Anonymous said...

I have to say that sketches are some of the most beautiful aspects of finished art. I love seeing how you think from the start!

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Background Remover said...

Hi Paul!

Always love to see your work. They are fantastic as like you are :)

Cut Out Image said...

A stunning piece! The values in your indications are truly effective. I adore your work. Thanks for sharing.

Clipping Path said...

Simply amazing....great work, and thanks for the inspiration.

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