Thursday, August 13, 2009

Drilling Vehicle

I know...I's been a while since my last post. I've been busy. It comes with having a job...and a family. Also, I haven't been able to post my latest stuff because it's all for films that haven't come out yet. But in the meantime...'s a design I just finished for a Victorian-style Drilling Vehicle (a la Journey to the Center of the Earth) for my friend who is going to build this, full size, in his front yard this Halloween. Check out his website He's a director and Visual Effects Supervisor, and he builds these rather elaborate set pieces at his house for Halloween ...usually involving some kind of vehicle that's been hijacked by an animatronic skeleton and a crow. Last year he built a train that looked like it smashed through his house!


  1. hi, Paul.
    Very interested design.
    like your style!

  2. Lovely designs your have here! it would be very interesting to see this drilling machine built. the other sets that your friend did looked cool!

  3. You have a beautifully insane friend; how nice to be a part of his mind bending holiday antics.

    I love it! Very simple design w/ just enough secondary elements to give it a sense of reality.

  4. Wow, with you design and his skills, that will be a hit!

  5. So VERY cool! Awesome work my friend. Great textures and details. I can't wait to see the real life version!

  6. I have to bring my daughter to that neighborhood for trick or treating, Of course I would have to cross five states to do it.

  7. Is he going to have a motor turning the drill? Really cool idea.

  8. Sam,

    If all goes well, not only will he have a motor turning the drill, but two more motors turning the grinding spikes (in opposite directions) as well as a motor to open and close the hatch, in order to reveal the animatronic characters inside.

  9. This is so cool Paul! I can't wait to see this realized.. :)

  10. Genius! Don't worry about the lack of updates Paul - there's enough here to keep us drooling for years!

  11. iiiinteresting. I do like the texture on it, and +100 on using the grass brush in photoshop without it looking spastic!

  12. Nicely done, Paul! Cool design and I love the rendering style.

  13. Fantastic design! Can't wait too see this thing built. Nice work

  14. the fact this guy is going to make it is awesome.

  15. sweet looking design, please post a photo of the finished build too! It would be cool to see the finished product.

  16. hi paul ..

    awesome drilling machine.
    makes me remember steampunk age.
    cool rendering.!!

    i get to understand that you work with dreamworks..
    wow.. and specifically this must be the art and design section.

    I read a feedback of yours in cookedart and you said you know nicolas marlet, he is my hero.. i bought the art of kungfu panda and went popeye!!.
    i had to indeed wait for 7 months to get hold of the book though but the wait was worth it.

    im from india and for long want to apply to great story telling houses .. i was planning to apply to dreamworks in bangalore..but heard that there aint no art /design/story division there.

    pls do let know if you are coming to bangalore in some way like visiting the team here ( i know thats pretty silly to ask)...i would like to meet you
    i have so much to ask. and if you wouldnt mind..can you pls take a look at my online sketchthread ?

    this is where i beat the frustration.

    there are about 5 pages..

    can you advice me if this is the way i should go ahead to get there.. i'm all game to start redoind the this ..any comment would be really appreciated!!

    though i've been in animation (2D) for almost 6 years.. i've never had a chance to attend an art school

    any tip or advice would be really helpful..
    im sure i will be there soon.

    thank you for reading attaching my mail id below.

    i would be enthralled to receive a mail from you.
    thank you sir!!

  17. Coolness !!! Now get it to take me to the Earth's Core, where Caroline Munro is waiting !!

  18. i just found your blog, amazing work. Thanks for sharing

  19. hola soy ilustrador me gusta mucho tu trabajo te felicito!! saludos desde Patagonia chile

  20. Hey Paul - remember me? I came across your website and thought I'd say hello. Also, I'd like to talk to you about a mutual friend.

    My email is jordan (at)

    Also, if you're interested, my life story is at my website:

    Otherwise, I hope this message finds you well.

  21. hello!
    with this design so detailed he is going to make an amazing model! great drawing! as always!

  22. Hi Mr. Lasaine,

    My name is Kelly Tudor and I am a senior illustration major at Ringling College of Art + Design in Sarasota, Florida.

    For my Portfolio class, we we're given an assignment to contact one of our favorite artists that are working in the industry and ask them a couple questions about their work, career, etc.

    I really admire your work and would love to set up a time where we can talk over the phone. I would only take up five minutes of your time. I know you're a busy guy.

    If you could get back to me at your earliest convenience, I'd really appreciate it.

    Thank you so much.

    Kelly Tudor

  23. Paul! Oooooh I love that drill. I want one in the backyard of my house...oh wait. I haven't got a backyard or a house, and there's no room no the floor. :)

  24. Hi Paul,
    it's Valentina the italian prosthetic artist, remember me? It's been a while! I was trying to contact you but I've changed computer and lost many contacts..would you mind to send me an email?
    hope you're well, your work is always stunning I keep an eye on your blog :-)
    Hope to hear from you

  25. Your work continues to inspire. Thank you for posting.

  26. This is same as drilling machine for used construction equipments.
    Anyways it’s nice design!! ….

  27. Gorgeous! Big fan of your work, how you create this. It's very professional.

  28. I love your work..the way you use directional strokes really defines the environment clearly. What an incredible pretty much have the coolest job ever!

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