Here are my first feeble attempts to paint on the thing. I have one thing to ain't a Cintiq! The 2" screen, two brush choices (soft-round & hard-round), no undo function, and no selection tools are a long way from Photoshop CS3. But stripping all the bells and whistles away from the digital painting experience is quite humbling and darn good practice.
I'm going on a trip to Italy with my family soon and I'm taking it with me. Hopefully I'll have a few sketches to post when I get back. (And hopefully they'll be better than these!)

The sketches are wonderful! I've been looking for that DS card! What's it called?
awesome your amazing! i was waiting for your next post! great stuff man.
well, despite your struggles with it the sketches are gorgeous.
Thats awesome man. I'd thought about doing that as well a while ago...but never did. So you'd recommend it? The sketches look great.
Nice sketches, hope you paint something from Italy! I'd love to see something.
PS If you come to Rome prepare for the hottest days of your life (in terms of weather eheh).
Very impressive for DS paintings!
I love "colors",with several hours of practice you can have lots of fun!!
very nice stuff !
Yep,Your job is very cool, good job!^^Lasaine
I remember to be shocked when first I saw your paintings in Prince of Egypt book.
I'm so glad to find your blog.
Your technique and imagination are AMAZING.
All my respect and admiration
I love both, one observation and another from your brain, like I did a few month ago... if you like to check out!
Wish you a great Trip in Europe.
These last sketches are not so good than the others, but it is great to have an update!
nice sketches!
its such a great little tool when in museums or spaces that dont allow paints or cintiqs. have a great trip.
I've never seen a DS do that before! Sweet!
I'm glad to see that you are rocking the homebrew "Colors". I can't wait to see what other stuff you cook up. I'm trying to convince my wife to get me one. ;^p
yay!!! paul, i LOVE it!! first, the flipbook animation, now the ds, you're my hero! and now i want this game too. these sketches are great and behind the struggle of the 2 inches screen there seem to be quite some fun ;)
the italy trip is getting close, we're very busy with work but I really hope we'll manage to meet up. In the meantime stay well my friend! Can't wait to see the italian sketches.
Great to see you back on the blogs again Paul!!
I bought the stuff to run this on my DS and my screens calibration went bonkers. Now it's just a glorified GameBoy Advance. Sad day..
Btw.. I have been coming to your blog for a long while and it is so great to be able to study all these works. You truly are the grand master of Efficiency and Clarity. I am so far behind and I'm thrilled to still be working in the area so I can take classes from Watts to Laafa. I'll be taking a day full of drawing classes at Watts on Saturdays during the Fall and after Winter break I hope to take Nathan Fowlkes at Laafa. Do you recommend anybody currently teaching for one aspirring to become close to a Lasine or Xiangyuan Jie? ^ ^ I know it's a lofty goal. I'm just tired of sucking. I've been through art school once in Columbus Ohio and obviously they don't have the same classical knowledge base as this area.
Again thanks for generously showing all of the inspiring work!
p.s. Ben Mauro is interning at Ready at Dawn where I work. Great guy. I heard he was blessed with the opportunity to work with you.
Hy exelent work here!ç
May i ask wich software are you using fot the ds?
keep it up!
Hey Old Friend,
Nice to find you and your work out here in Cyber-space.
Will have to swing on by next Halloween to check out your set-up.
Drop me a line sometime. Would be nice to catch up. My email address is
I don't know how you do it, great work and beautiful colors as always. Thanks for the inspiration Paul.
Hi! well... "it doesn't have the Pshop tools.." and look what you do!! incredible as always!! :) I have the DS colors software too, but it doesn't work so well ;D just kidding..
I think is very good for such a little thing, and that the results are nice. It allows to easily paint in colours outdoors when light is not too bright.
Anyway thanks for the inspiration!
Very nice posts Paul. Ive been fumbling around on my Nintendo DS for a little while now, and have not chiseled out anything quite like those. I think it might be broken.. :P btw, nice to finally meet you.
Just amazing!
Good works, impressive use of digital colour and perfect drawing style!
Your work is awesome!!
Hi Paul,
Just found your site and wanted to say Hi! It's been a few years! Hope you're keeping well!
Max D.
Heya Paul, we're still waiting for those vacation DS paintings.
By the way, the bottom one is terrific. Lots o' mood.
Lovely works!!
So inspiring blog, Paul. Wonderful sketches, especially the bottom one. Beautiful atmosphere.
Considering what you have to work with, I'm very impressed at your first DS paintings!
Don't suppose you'd have any interest in coming over the games industry to work on a project of mine? No, seriously, we'd love to have you (as I'm sure any studio would).
BTW, you need to move to the bay area so I can visit your haunted house! I'm looking forward to seeing what sort of spookiness you're going to put up this year (in the hopes that you blog about it).
Brilliant! Your work is superb! I am learning a lot from it! Thanks for sharing...
I got a wild hair the other day and typed your name into Google. Imagine my surprise. Saul must be thrilled. It's a long way from the wretched reindeer of "Ernest Saves Christmas"...
What a finding, this blog. I'm so impressed that is hard to explain. Not only you have a perfect style and use of colour, you are also visited and admired by some incredible artists too. I feel little here. I hope you dont mind if I link this blog into mine, Mr. Lasaine..:)
Happy Hallows . . .
I like your works very much!!
hahaha. Its sucks~!! Thanks for sharing. But your traditional is awesome anyway.
Hi Paul,
Is there any chance you could do any more photoshop brush tutorials please? I would especially be interested to see how you painted the fur texture on the Open Season characters lower down on your blog.
Hey this is John McInnis, - just met you in Nathans Office with Dorian Bustamante -
Awesome blogspot! how in the world did you get that ghost to play on the piano???
Another excellent master piece painting :)
These simplified forms are wonderful! I've been a long time fan of your work! Thanks for sharing another one
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